Results / Noble Marine Allen Nationals @ RS Games Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy - 24/07/2022

Thank you to all the competitors for such close racing. Thank you to WPNSA and Race Officer Paul Kimmens for hosting such a great race event. Thank you to our fabulous sponsors Noble Marine, Allen, RS Sailing, Rooster and Fernhurst Books.
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RS100 Day Three Report
Fernhurst Books Endeavour Prize
#FernhurstBooks #equippedwithallen #AllenSailing #SailitLiveitLoveit #RoosterKit #InYourElement #RSsailing @RoosterKit
Special prize for furthest travelled sailor:
Floris Stapel RS100 NED 445
Tyre of Doom: Clive Eplett
Day one Hyde Sails trophy: Huw Powell
Day two Rooster trophy: Huw Powell
Day three RS trophy: Huw Powell
Endeavour prize: Jon Elmes
Young Apprentice: Daniel Webber
1st Lady: Maggie Ayre
Fidelis Trophy: Mark Harrison
Silver: Matt Johnson
1st Youth: Adam Catlow
Master: Andy Jones
6th place: Steve Jones
5th place: Matt Johnson
4th place: Tom Halhead
3rd place: David Smart
2nd place: Andy Jones
1st place RS100 National Champion for 2022: Huw Powell
Wooden spoon trophy: Dave Acres
20th anniversary nationals: Steve Bolland
Day one Clive Everest trophy: Charlie South
Day two Southern Sailboats salver: Paul Watson
Day three Speed Sails trophy: not awarded
Day four Hyde Sails cup: Harry McVicar
Team Trophy: Emsworth SC
Perseverance prize: Alistair Wood
Endeavour prize: Ben Heppenstall
Fidelis Trophy: Rob Ford
Apprentice: Charlie South
Silver: Sam Davy
Lightweight: Chris Hatton
Heavyweight: Paul Watson
Youth: Charlie South
Master: Steve Bolland
5th place: Harry McVicar
4th place: Pete Mackin
3rd place: Dave Acres
2nd place: Charlie South
1st place RS300 National Champion for 2022: Paul Watson
Day one Ovington Boats cup: George Smith
Day two Hyde Sails bowl (bowl and grid top): George Smith
Day three LDC RS decanter: George Smith
Endeavour prize: Tim le Couillard
Young Apprentice: Will Russell
Probationer: James Cowen
Bronze: Will Russell
Silver: Tim Cutsforth
Youth: James Crook
Grand Master: Ian Montague
Master: Ian Jubb
6th place: Tim Cutsforth
5th place: Simon Hibbert
4th place: Mike Iszatt
3rd place: Ian Montague
2nd place: Jamie Mawson
1st place RS600 National Champion for 2022: George Smith
RS100 2022 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day One
With over 400 people out on the water as part of the RS Games the RS100, RS300 and RS600 fleets had to bide their time to kick things off with the RS Feva Worlds racing in the morning and occupying the bulk of Portland Harbour. Lunchtime approached and there was a little nervousness amongst the fleet as things looked a little spicier than Windguru had it – with the delayed start allowing the merits of various strategies for getting out of the marina to be endlessly critiqued. Mark Harrison was first to put his money where his mouth was… shortly followed by a couple of litres of Weymouth’s finest. This really became the story of the day with a fairly wild downwind ride out to the start-line and conservative sailing and managing energy levels paying dividends throughout the day.
Huw Powell managed this best with two bullets reflecting a consistent speed edge in the 20-25 knot conditions, to leave him wearing the Rooster Yellow Jersey overnight. David Smart pushed him throughout to clock a 2,2 and will be wearing blue, with Tom Halhead hanging on and posting a 3,4 to end up wearing red. Honourable mention (and the wooden spoon) went to Andy Jones who would have been right up there in both races but for a couple of wobbles.
At the Allen sponsored daily prize giving goodies went to day one winner Huw Powell, mid-fleet sailor Jon Elmes and endeavour for day one to Ian Gregory. Then David Smart hosted a well-attended “Ask the Expert” session with Ian Gregory and Huw Powell offering their views of approaching lighter and heavier conditions respectively, which prompted some good debate that rolled into a class meal at “The Boat that Rocks”. Another big day beckons on Sunday with the potential for more moderate conditions for the remainder of the week.
Report by Tom Halhead
RS100 2022 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day Two
After yesterday’s blast the key questions as day two dawned were:
- Would Huw Powell and Dave ‘Blue Stripe’ Smart continue their day one dominance?
- Would Andy Jones remember which way was up? and
- Would the 24 knots blowing on the Weymouth weather station abate enough to allow any sailing?
In short the answers were almost, yes and yes. For those interested in the detail read on.
Race three of the championship got away first time in around 11 knots and was led at the windward mark by Andy Jones closely followed by brother Steve with the rest of the fleet in hot pursuit. While the Jones brothers found a snake on the downwind to plummet down the fleet Ian Gregory and Matt Johnson were the big movers to lead comfortably at the leeward gate. As the wind started to build and shift left the fleet shuffled once again on the upwind allowing Andy Jones to come back through and lead home, beating Huw into second and so ending his run of prefect results, with Matt Johnson hanging on in 3rd despite a broken kicker.
After the shuffles of the first race the wind steadied down to a relatively benign force 3 - 4 for race four. Huw and Mr Blue Stripe led over the first lap, but by the end of the 2nd beat Andy Jones had worked through to first, only to lose it with a poor leeward gate choice leaving him vulnerable to the backing wind. Huw led home again followed by Andy and Dave, while behind Steve Jones lost a top five placing to a broken main halyard, leaving the consistent Tom Halhead in 4th.
Race five followed a similar pattern to race four, with Dave and Huw leading from Andy at the end of the first lap but Andy finding a way through on the final beat to take the lead. As they headed downwind, Huw was first to see the wind coming in from the left and gybe off, weaving a path through the fleet of incoming RS Feva sailors crossing the course on starboard, while Andy and Dave desperately tried to hold their kites down to the leeward gate, allowing Steve to nip in for third just ahead of Dave, with Tom in 5th.
At the end of the day Huw is looking good in first overall, while Andy has jumped up the leaderboard to wrestle second from Dave. However, with winds forecast to drop there will be anxious glances in the direction of the lighter sailors in the fleet, with Ian Gregory hoping to make strides up the leaderboard and youth sailors Adam Catlow and Daniel Webber looking forward to conditions more suited to them.
At the Allen daily prizegiving the endeavour prize was awarded to Gavin Thompson, mid-fleet hero to Matt Johnson and day one winner prize was rolled down to second placed Andy Jones. The fleet then went for fish and chips on the beach together.
Report by Andy Jones
Up on Y&Y here
RS100 2022 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day Three
They tried to engage my enthusiasm
by Marvin the paranoid android
I must have a fault in one of the many painful diodes down my left side. My total-deficiency-in-enthusiasm chip seems to have suffered a catastrophic failure. As a result, inexplicably, I found myself actually joining in with the sailing of an RS100 on day three of their National Championship at WPNSA.
If I had any pleasure sensors, I suspect they would have over-heated as a consequence, shutting my whole system down, but one of my many manufacturing faults denied me even that small mercy.
However, the ape-descendants sailing their various RS100s, RS300s and RS600s seemed to be happy, all wearing those hateful ear-to-ear smiles that they do. Even when they when in danger of getting tangled with each other, all was politeness and consideration. Nauseating isn’t it?
What’s even worse is that, having done this sailing thing, they then added insult to injury and elected me to write about it. Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not all out to get me. But, evidently, they actually are.
Whatever, I suppose I should talk about the racing and get this over with for all our sakes.
The earthlings had gotten all excited that today would be their lucky day and they’d be allowed to go and play in the proper waves in Weymouth Bay. I could have told them. Yes, the Bay hates them (I would too but I can’t be bothered) - there was little wind there, just slops. So in the harbour it was.
The sun shone. The wind varied around an ideal, they say, 12-15 primitive knot units, but with “interesting” shifts and streaky-bacon fat-and-thin windy bits. They tell me all this is glorious, not that I believe them of course.
In all three races, it was nothing other than extremely close. They were all trying annoyingly hard. I can only surmise their pain processors had not been installed, whereas mine are the only sensors I have that function at 500%. Typical.
Two RS100-ists stood out as having sneakily obtained upgrades denied the others, one called HuwPowell, the other AndyJones. Yet another, referred to as DavidSmart seems to have been named ironically, given his upgrade must be a beta release. Sometimes it works brilliantly, sometimes only in reverse.
Although the marketing spiel about my advanced features (if only) claim I have a brain the size of a planet, the salt water might have today bypassed the protective seals and corrupted my RAM. Again. Consequently, the HuwPowell seemed uncatchable in race one, although my party-spoiling function seemed to give him palpitations in the approach to the final gate. AndyJones was next. In a first for me, he later said he was cheering me on to catch the HuwPowell. This was a new and strange experience, clearly causing me a short-circuit somewhere.
Consequently race two was very painful for me. Mainly because another time-traveller known as MarkHarrison, beamed forward from the 1950s into second from the HuwPowell. An impertinent, aging whippersnapper (they have two even younger, ballsier editions known as AdamCatlow and DanielWebber) called MattJohnson followed his fourth in race one with a fifth in this one, behind AndrewJones and BetaSmart.
In race three, the last of the day (thankfully, my hydraulics were seizing up) the AndrewJones was most rude and hyper-drived over the horizon. Meanwhile HuwPowell was having an intermittent degaussing issue (or something). My short had resolved itself for the moment but not sufficiently to prevent BetaSmart or HuwPowell from bothering me. But at the last windward mark, having just snuck inside me, the latter hour-glassed his kite and BetaSmart, just behind, gybed off to buy a losing lottery ticket. It transpired a loser’s lottery ticket is less bad that an hourglass. SteveJones, a brother to Hyper-driveJones, was next followed by the aging whippersnapper.
When, thankfully, it was all over, at the day’s prize-giving, the posing-as-human archangel Clare Sargant awarded the day’s Noble Marine/Allen Endeavour prize to CharlieCamm, midfleet to MarkHarrison and winner (excluding the previous ones of HuwPowell and AndyJones) to yours truly. Then she told me I had to relive the whole ordeal and write about it. Some archangel. I knew there had to be a catch.
If humans can be trusted do sums, given I can’t be bothered, they reckon this all means the HuwPowell cannot be caught overall and has finally won the 8.4 title after more years trying, he says, than I was left stranded on Frogstar planet B by ArthurDent.
Either way, some will go out and repeat the whole ghastly experience again tomorrow, although I’ll probably be rusted solid by then.
* all this with apologies to the genius that was Douglas Adams RiP. Now go and read the Hitch-hikers Guide. Please.
Report by Clive Eplett
Overall Report for RS100 Noble Marine Allen National Championship at WPNSA part of RS Games
On Sunday the RS100s gathered at WPNSA for the UK Noble Marine Allen National Championships as part of the exciting, energetic RS Games 2022 which will draw 1500 sailors to the Academy over a 2 ½ week programme of carefully choregraphed racing for RS fleets. The RS100 fleet was made up of some long in the tooth old timers who’ve been in the RS100 since the first days, some fast mid-timers, and a raft of new faces were welcomed.
The 10-race series (best 8 results to count) was expertly executed. Every race was three laps. Every race was a targetted 35-40 mins duration. Close racing was guaranteed. Places changed throughout the fleet and usually right through to the finish line. Often the winner was decided only on the last leg of the last lap.
The racing was held at various locations across the harbour. Go left, go left was not always the winning strategy, and tactics needed to be nuanced and put under constant review with shifts and pressure variations experienced across the race track.
On face value, the results might suggest Huw Powell had a walk in the park. The reality is very different. Rarely did anyone lead from start to finish. Huw was often the grateful recipient of an atypical slow beat or a downwind overstand by others, and seemed to ride his luck when the cards fell right (bar a nasty hour glass on the last leg of the last race on the last day). Plus the event was dominated by big breeze where Huw revels. In fact, the racing was tight throughout the fleet with mistakes punished quickly. Nine different sailors grabbed top three places throughout the series, demonstrating a wide spread of speed. At the end of the event, two Chew Valley sailors took second overall (Andy Jones) and third (David Smart) showing the strength in depth of this RS100 fleet.
The breeze brought out the best in the RS100 – after popping the kite, the fleet would send their boats downhill with big smiles – often in the Weymouth and Portland sunshine and in 12-18 knots of breeze.
Ashore the experienced sailors compared tactics, and happily shared their experience and tips with the less experienced in the fleet. A competitive fleet afloat. A supportive and open community ashore.
The great news from the AGM is that new boats are back in production. There’s also an active used boat market. So it’s easy for anyone to enjoy asymmetric single handed sailing at its best!
Thanks to our smashing sponsors Noble Marine, Allen, RS Sailing, Rooster and Fernhurst Books. Thanks to WPNSA for hosting us so well. And special thanks to Paul Kimmens our Race Officer and his race team for working so hard to provide such great racing.
Report by Huw Powell
up on Y&Y here
Noble Marine Allen RS300 National Championships 2022 Runner & Riders
The field for this year’s national championship is slightly smaller than normal, but the contest for the top spot will be just as fiercely contended. Here is a who’s who of the title contenders!
Steve Bolland
Multi time National champion, Steve is my favourite again this year. He says Weymouth is his favourite place to sail. If we have moderate to good winds and have courses out in the bay the Steve will be the man to catch. However, he’s not a fan of the light stuff (wind or beer) so if it’s a drifty kind of week then the results may look very different.
Dave Acres
Like Steve, Dave is a statesman of the RS300 Class and also a multiple national champion. Used to sailing in the choppy Solent, the harbour courses would suit him as would a stronger wind forecast. Dave is dangerously fast upwind in the right conditions.
Paul Watson
Ex-class chairman and tour event winner, Paul has yet to take home his first Nationals, could this be the year? Waves and strong winds will favour the younger more athletic members of the fleet. A third last year after not sailing much during the pandemic shows what Paul could be capable of.
Pete Mackin
The current class chairman and proud owner of the newest RS300 in the fleet, Pete has made his presence known since re-joining the class in 2018 taking several tour wins. He can be especially quick in light airs but is fast whatever the weather.
Harry McVicar
Could this be the year that Harry gets his first Championship? Like Pete and Paul he has been so close to the top for a number of years but never been able to wrestle the cup from the ‘old guard’. Now he’s super fit, super keen and super quick and if we get good winds he will hike his way to the top.
Others to watch
Rich Le Mere - Will make his presence felt I’m sure. This is his home water and the local knowledge will help. He’s happiest in the 20kts+ range.
Rob Ford - 7th last year and improving.
Tom Moore – Lightweight but experienced and graceful in the RS300, if the wind is sub 12kts then expect to see Tom at the top of the fleet.
Dark Horses
New entrants to the RS300 nationals are Charlie South, Chris Hatton and William Homewood, the latter pair bolstering the growing Lymington contingent. Word of their reputations has travelled and so this year’s event looks set to be as hotly contested as ever.
Team event
We have four clubs represented by two or more boats; Emsworth SC, Stokes Bay SC, Lymington and Shropshire SC. Will Dave Acres and Thorney Island SC be able to hold onto the trophy?
By Ben Heppenstall
Day One of RS300 Noble Marine Allen National Championships at WPNSA, part of RS Games
Day one of the RS300 nationals was greeted by a fairly lively 18kts of wind making for a challenging sail downwind to the starting area. A few boats took this opportunity to check how clean the underside of the hull was, an excellent tactical decision as it's generally faster than doing it during the race.
The first race got underway under a U flag with a line shy fleet. Fleet stalwarts Dave Acres and Steve Bolland hit the left while Paul Watson, Harry McVicar and Rich Le Mare went right. It turns out none of this would matter as fleet newbie Charlie South sailed pretty much up the middle at roughly twice the speed as the rest of us. Charlie hung on until the finish closely followed by Dave, Steve and Paul.
Race two again saw a pretty safe start from the fleet. This time most boats elected to go left. By the windward mark it was again Charlie leading, closely followed by Paul with Dave and Steve close behind. At the end of the lap they were nose to tail going into the 2nd beat. Charlie and Paul then put the afterburners on to give themselves a little breathing room. Charlie held on to the finish for a perfect score line with Paul 2nd, Dave 3rd and Harry 4th. Steve was last seen checking the underside of his hull having not done a thorough enough job pre-start.
At the daily prize giving generously sponsored by Allen Charlie received his gold bib and day one winner prize of t-shirt while Dave was awarded 2nd place blue bib, and Paul 3rd place red bib. Chris Hatton ended a solid day's sailing with mid-fleet hero prize of sailing gloves. Ben Heppenstall won the endeavour prize of sailing gloves while Tom Moore was awarded a wooden spoon for missing a mark... Every day sailors will be able to win Allen sponsored prizes. Prizes can only be won once so the joy will be spread throughout the fleet.
Report by Paul Watson
Up on Y&Y here
RS300 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day Two Report
Day two’s report was supposed to be a mid-fleet one bought to you by none other than the day two mid-fleet hero Rob Ford. Unfortunately, Rob couldn’t remember what had happened during the day so didn’t write anything. We’ll let him off though as it was his birthday, which incidentally he also forgot about.
Race three was sailed in a slightly more moderate breeze than the previous day bringing the whole fleet a lot closer together. Dave Acres showed his intentions leading from the start closely followed by Peter Mackin in his tangerine machine, Steve Bolland in his duct tape and plywood covered boat and Harry McVicar, Chris Hatton and Paul Watson in their boring working grey boats. Dave held on to the finish closely followed by Steve, Harry and the rest of the fleet in what was the closest race of the championship so far.
The wind picked back up a bit for the next couple of races bringing the young pretender (Charlie South) back to the front of the fleet. Charlie led race four from start to 100m from the finish where he kindly death rolled and allowed Paul past to take the win followed by Peter and Harry. Charlie recovered quickly enough to take fourth.
Charlie made no mistake in the final race of the day again leading from early on, this time he kept his mast in the sky and didn’t fall to the pressure of Paul who pushed hard until the finish closely followed by Dave.
Special mention at this point must go to youth sailor (U23 in RS300s) Chris Hatton, who clearly used all his energy up taking fourth in race three and had to go for an early shower missing the last race of the day. A few more years of beer drinking and he’ll no doubt be able to keep up with the rest of us.
Report by Paul Watson
RS300 Day Three 2022 Noble Marine Allen Nationals
So today was supposed to be light but it sure wasn't. With everyone's legs hurting from the last two days we needed a day off but that wasn't to be.
Race one saw Charlie South the cheeky overnight leader head off for the first reach mark thinking it was the windward mark so that left him a little out of sorts and gave some of the older folk a chance. Pete Mackin played a blinder downwind to take the win ahead of Dave Acres and Paul Watson.
Race two saw the pin end pay and a battle ensued between Acres (with little legs) and South and Watson with unsportingly long limbs and slightly better physiques. Acres couldn't match the pace upwind and Watson pulled ahead to win with South second and Steve Bolland showing some of his blistering pace downwind in his new lightweight form to come third. That got Bolland all excited for the next race which sadly led to him being over on the start. The heavyweights powered upwind but some of the lighter folk like Harry McVicar showed their downwind finnesse on some lovely waves. Mackin was also quick again and the end of the day saw Watson win again, with South second, Mackin third and Acres fourth. That moved Watson into first overnight with South a point behind and Acres sliding four points behind South in third. Last day tomorrow leaves it all to play for with much lighter wind forecast.
Report by Dave Acres
RS300 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day 4 Report
With Paul Watson, Charlie South and Dave Acres on 10, 11 and 15 points respectively going into the last day, it was going to be tense with two final races to complete. The race officer built the tension and held everyone ashore until due to the sea breeze kicked in and once the 180 odd RS Fevas had launched we were off.
With pin end bias Acres, Chris Hatton and Harry McVicar got away and tacked across the fleet to work the right hand side. This paid off, with Chris Hatton leading all the way round the top mark with Acres in second. It was finally a day for the light weights to shine and Hatton led all the whole way. Acres just managed to hold onto 2nd with McVicar pushing him hard ahead of Steve Bolland. But where were Watson and South? Both had shockers.
The final race saw Acres and Watson going left. When Watson tacked off Acres followed and watched as confusion ensued between Watson on Port and Ben Hepenstall on Starboard. Watson thought Ben was going to let him cross but that wasn't the case and Ben had to crash tack to avoid a collision. By the time Watson had done his turn he was at the back of the fleet and doubting he could better his next worst discard, which was a 5th when he retired. All he could do was pray that South didn't win and Acres didn't come 3rd or better. Both were up there at the windward mark but neither could see the next mark due to a wall of RS Fevas sitting on the reach merrily chatting to their coaches in between races. Acres ended up sailing a bit high to get through them and McVicar slipped through to leeward. Bolland was right up there but sadly found out that he had been over the line at the start (again), and with the black flag rule in force he had to pull out. McVicar fought his way past South to finish 1st and Peter Mackin was 3rd with Hatton 4th. That left Acres with a 5th, which wasn't good enough and Watson was crowned Champion on 21 pts, South second on 22 and Acres 3rd on 23pts. Thanks to the many RS Games sponsors especially to Noble Marine, Allen, RS Sailing, Rooster, Fernhurst Books and Selden who provided all the prizes, fizz and free pastries as well as to all those involved in running a great event. Find all the results, the prize winner list and photos here:
RS300 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day Four Report
The stage was set, Paul had a tiny lead and needed one good race to seal the deal. Charlie needed to beat him if he had that good race, and Dave shouldn’t cause to much concern. So, onto the final day…
The wind was not playing ball first thing giving the fleet plenty of time to drink too much coffee, eat as many free pastries as possible and generally try to stay motivated to go drifting. Eventually the race team made the terrible (correct) decision to go sailing and we launched in about 6 knots.
The penultimate race got underway on a much more compact course than the previous few days making the racing much tighter. The fleet were led round by light wind specialist Chris Hatton who had clearly made the correct decision earlier in the week to save some energy for the later in the regatta. Chris sailed well to take his first RS300 championship race win, closely followed by Dave (oh dear!) and Harry. While this was all happening championship leader Paul had decided to start on the third row of the start line and struggled to get anywhere from there. Fortunately for him Charlie had done the same thing.
The final Race. Paul still ideally need a good result, Charlie need to win and Dave, assuming neither of them did well, needed a 2nd.
Paul started towards the pin end, going fast with clean wind off the line. Dave and Charlie also had decent starts both in clean wind closer to the middle of the line. Charlie tacked early favouring the right, Dave seemed to want to continue and Paul tacked to hedge his bets up the middle, in doing so bearing off to duck Dave’s transom and then sail completely in the way of Ben Heppenstall who crash tacked (sorry again), Paul ended up stalled trying to avoid a windward capsize…
Paul could now only watch as both Dave and Charlie sailed away in opposite directions. Charlie arrived at the windward mark first closely followed by Steve, Harry, Peter and Dave. They were all greeted by about 50 RS Fevas, who for some reason had chosen the top reach of our racecourse as the perfect place for a between race coaching session. Some shouting happened.
By the bottom mark Steve had managed to slip past Charlie to take the lead only to be informed that he was OCS and his day was over. Not ideal for him, even less ideal for Paul who was currently cruising round in about 13th. Paul subsequently retired and had a long lonely sail back to the slipway, unable to control the outcome at the front of the fleet where Charlie was still fighting for a final race win. Some racing must have then happened as when the fleet returned to the slipway Paul was informed that Harry had taken the final race of the championship, Charlie 2nd, Peter 3rd.
So, with the scores now final, Paul Watson clung on to take his first National Championship title. Charlie South earned an impressive 2nd at his first RS300 nationals and Dave Acres a 3rd. And the top three were only separated by two points.
More importantly there was some great racing throughout the fleet, some even better socials and more than one comment by impressed youth sailors about the colour of Rich Le Mare’s vinyl wrapped decks.
Thank you to our great sponsors Noble Marine, Allen, RS Sailing, Rooster and Fernhurst Books. Thanks to WPNSA for hosting us so well. And special thanks to Paul Kimmens our Race Officer and his race team for working so hard to provide such great racing.
Report by Paul Watson
By Dave Acres
Up on Y&Y here
RS600 Runners and Riders at the 2023 Noble Marine Allen Nationals, part of the RS Games
This year’s RS600 Noble Marine Allen nationals is part of the RS Games and sees a return to Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy for multi-class, multi-nationals fun. We have a great social programme planned and some fantastic sponsors so all we need now is some wind! As usual there will be plenty to play for through the fleet including Bronze, Silver and Gold fleet prizes and perhaps most competitive of all the Masters prize.
Runners and riders for this year:
Ian Jubb aka Jubby aka Mr Sailboat Deliveries makes a rare and very welcome appearance back in the fleet. Known to love big breeze and upwind....and cider, no doubt sleeping in the longest of long wheel-base vans.
Mike Iszatt aka Mr Silverhook, is easily recognised by high pointing and a bright yellow mast. Prefers the lighter and shifty stuff but never slow and never far from if not usually found on the podium.
Ian Marshall aka Spidey, again likes the lighter stuff and has had his name on the trophy before. Still sailing with the meticulously maintained 654 and will be another one to watch especially in the tussle for top master.
Ian Montague aka Monti, has one of the newest boats in the fleet and is an unknown quantity this year having been busy with Grandfather duties!
Jamie Mawson, previous national champ and current inland champ, also in a new boat and never slow! Goes well in all conditions and will be chomping at the podium.
George Smith: prefers a breezy event and was fortunate to mostly get his way last year in that regard. Is currently praying to the wind gods for a repeat of last year!
Tim Cutsforth sailed a very tidy inland champs edging out some well-established sailors to come 4th so will be one to watch.
Battle of the Notts county trio: Matt Potter, Simon Hibbert and Alex Piggott always have a good race with each other in spite of always dipping a toe in local night life.
Sibling rivalry: Adam and Jamie Watson, have been spotted 'nipping' back to Plymouth for rudder fittings!
New faces aplenty in the fleet who will have the chance to test themselves and battle it out on Weymouth waters, lining up against a solid nationals fleet.
By George Smith
RS600 2022 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day One
A healthy fleet of 21 boats headed out for their first day of racing in a solid 18-20 knots and relatively flat water - perfect conditions for RS600 sailing. With the line biased to starboard but the left side looking favoured, the sailors had plenty to think about in the pre-start.
Race one saw defending national champion George Smith first to the windward mark, going fast despite recovering from Covid. Next was Simon Hibbert in a recently acquired boat, then inland champion Jamie Mawson. George held the lead throughout, with Jamie passing Simon on the run to take second.
Race two saw a big left shift towards the top of the course resulting in boats planing in fast on the port layline, pipping the boats coming in on starboard. Tactical experience clearly showed as the first two sailors both qualified for the recently introduced Grand Master category.
Scott Holland was first round followed by Ian Montague then George. Scott capsized on the run following a tussle with Ian, allowing Jamie to catch up. The order round the leeward mark was Ian, Jamie and George. George showed a master class in upwind sailing and was way ahead by the last windward mark, by which time Jamie had passed Ian. Final order was George, Jamie and Ian.
At the Allen sponsored daily prize giving goodies went to day one winner George Smith, mid-fleet sailor Jamie Watson and endeavour for day one to Tim le Couillard. The fleet then had a busy evening of AGM and fleet meal out with the RS100s and RS300s at The Boat That Rocks.
Report by Jamie Mawson
RS600 2022 Noble Marine Allen Nationals Day Two
Sailors arriving at the dinghy park were greeted by the wind whistling through the masts and for a while it genuinely looked like the day could be blown out. However a final black cloud squall blew through just as boats were preparing to launch and the wind settled to perfect conditions of around 15 to 18 knots all day.
The scheduled three races were completed, with perfect race management by the very slick WPNSA team.
Once again George Smith showed his dominance of the class taking all three race wins. Jamie Mawson continued his run of 2nds, with the only blemish coming in the form of an OCS. Ian Montague has moved up into 3rd overall with consistent results. The fleet benefitted from the welcome return of Ian “Jubby” Jubb who despite not having sailed an RS600 for many months immediately found great pace to score a 2nd and 3rd.
In the final race the harbour was filled with what can only be described as a swarm of RS Fevas (nearly 200 of them!) emerging from for their later race schedule. This certainly made things interesting down the final run.
At the Allen daily prizegiving the endeavour prize was awarded to Bradley Field, mid-fleet hero to Ian Marshall and day one winner prize was rolled down to second placed Jamie Mawson, with wooden spoon going to Jamie Watson. The fleet then went for a curry together.
With a lighter forecast for the next two days things could get shaken up at the top and despite George's clean sweep of wins things are not quite all over yet.
Report by Ian Montague
Up on Y&Y here
RS600 Day Three 2022 Noble Marine Allen Nationals
Day three started in 10 -12 knots, later building to 15. A familiar pattern had started to emerge by now, with George Smith, Jamie Mawson and Ian Montague taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd in both races one and two. This was beginning to look like a foregone conclusion, with George looking to be in a position to win with a day to spare, however race three will go down in history as the race “Something Different Happened”.
A shift to the left just after the gun meant those at the pin end, notably Ian, were in good shape. George and Jamie, at the other end, less so. George tacked off and banged the right corner harder than Bradley Field had been banging on Jamie's hotel room door last night (don't ask) which took him into the lead round mark one. A capsize, a broken kicker and another capsize meant some new faces had a chance to see the front end of the fleet. Ian held his lead to the end followed by Mike Iszatt, then James Cowen, new to the fleet this year.
Going into day four, the top three places are theoretically still open.
Report by Jamie Mawson
Day Four of the 2022 Noble Marine Allen RS600 National Championship at WPNSA, part of RS Games
The day dawned with a far lighter breeze than the previous day, as forecasted, giving those who had indulged in the party the night before some time to clear their heads. The fleet wasn't held ashore long though - once all 180 RS Fevas had been ushered onto the water, we were released into the harbour. The fleet gathered expectantly as the wind continued to swing around towards its forecasted direction, unexpectedly building to a trapezable 8-10 knots before the first start.
Jamie Mawson was chomping at the bit and won the start, sailing a very clean and tidy race to take a well-deserved race win. Mike Izsatt, making a last-minute dash for the newly-donated Grand Master trophy showed his light wind pace to take 2nd, just ahead of Ian Montague in 3rd. George Smith recovered from a slow start to cross the line in 4th and secured the overall championship for a second year in a row. Matt Potter sailed his best race of the championship, holding off the chasing pack behind him.
The final race was sailed in a similar breeze. The start this time favoured the committee boat end, which wasn't lost on the fleet. Best of the boat end was George Smith who, along with the majority of the fleet, took the long starboard tack to the left-hand side. David Nunn found himself rounding the windward mark in 2nd and asked for advice on retaining his position on the run! Alex Piggott stormed down the left-hand side of the first run to secure 2nd place, which he held onto all the way to the finish. The final races of the series really showed the depth in the fleet with close battles for every place. Race Officer Paul Kimmens and his great WPNSA race team looked after us really well providing smashing racing across a whole range of conditions.
Back ashore, the prizegiving was a glamourous affair with a formula one style podium complete with RS-branded prosecco, which was more worn than drunk. Thank you to our generous sponsors for the event Noble Marine, Allen, RS Sailing, Rooster and Fernhurst Books and congratulations to all our winners.
The overwhelming feedback from the fleet was that this was a great event! Not just the superb efforts of RS Sailing and Rooster in the sailors' hub, getting boats back afloat and keeping us entertained off the water, but the whole festival atmosphere that surrounded the event. There was a real buzz as we packed up for journeys home, with everyone looking forward to the next event and further ahead to next year's nationals.
The fleet is in a healthy place, with new faces joining the seasoned 600ers. The boat park was alive with chat about boat set-up and sailing tips. Rig settings were shared and everyone left going faster than they arrived!
As a class, we will look to harness all of the enthusiasm from the nationals and the event as a whole, and focus on continuing to boost numbers as we grow by adding new faces to the fleet. We will also look to encourage local fleets to develop 'buddy systems' to get new sailors up to speed as well as creating up to date set-up/rigging guides.
Next up is the RS600 fleet's return to Stone 1-2 Oct, which is also our 2023 nationals venue. There is a good core of local boats there, and we expect this to be a fantastic preview for the next year (please see the poster for details). We finish off the year’s RS600 Rooster National Tour at the RS End of Seasons Regatta at Rutland SC 5-6 Nov.
Report by George Smith
Up on Y&Y here
Noble Marine RS100, RS300 & RS600 National Championships 2022Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy
![]() |
RS100 Class
1 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
508 | Huw Powell | Red Wharf Bay SC Netley SC |
Gold | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 4.0 | (DNC[18.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | 48.0 | 12.0 | ||||
2 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
172 | Andrew Jones | Chew Valley Lake SC | Gold | Master | 5.0 | (7.0) | 1.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 7.0 | (9.0) | 40.0 | 24.0 | |||
3 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
277 | David Smart | Chew Valley Lake SC | Gold | Master | 2.0 | 2.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | (6.0) | 4.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | (8.0) | 38.0 | 24.0 | |||
4 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
393 | Tom Halhead | Llandegfedd SC | Gold | 3.0 | 4.0 | 6.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | (7.0) | 7.0 | (8.0) | 2.0 | 4.0 | 50.0 | 35.0 | ||||
5 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
239 | Matt Johnson | Weirwood SC | Silver | (10.0) | (10.0) | 3.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 | 2.0 | 59.0 | 39.0 | ||||
6 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
130 | Steve Jones | Chew Valley Lake SC | Gold | 6.0 | 3.0 | (DNF[11.0]) | 5.0 | 3.0 | (UFD[18.0]) | 8.0 | 5.0 | 11.0 | 5.0 | 75.0 | 46.0 | ||||
7 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
379 | Mark Harrison | Gurnard SC | Gold | Master | 4.0 | 5.0 | (DNC[18.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | DNC[18.0] | 5.0 | 2.0 | 7.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 | 85.0 | 49.0 | |||
8 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
259 | Ian Gregory | Frensham Pond SC | Gold | (12.0) | 9.0 | 4.0 | 8.0 | 6.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | 9.0 | 3.0 | (DNF[17.0]) | 88.0 | 59.0 | ||||
9 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
268 | Bart Bridgen | Netley SC | Silver | 7.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 | 9.0 | DNF[12.0] | 8.0 | (RET[18.0]) | (13.0) | 8.0 | 6.0 | 94.0 | 63.0 | ||||
10 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
509 | Clive Eplett | Frensham Pond SC | Gold | Master | (DNC[18.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | 2.0 | 6.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 | 1.0 | 105.0 | 69.0 | |||
11 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
206 | Jon Elmes | Chew Valley Lake SC | Silver | 9.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | (11.0) | 9.0 | (12.0) | 10.0 | 10.0 | 92.0 | 69.0 | ||||
12 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
503 | Adam James Catlow | Leigh and Lowton SC | Silver | Youth | 8.0 | (DNF[13.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | 10.0 | DNF[12.0] | 12.0 | 13.0 | 11.0 | 12.0 | 11.0 | 120.0 | 89.0 | |||
13 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
238 | Gavin Austin Thompson | Chew Valley Lake SC | Silver | 11.0 | DNF[13.0] | 9.0 | 11.0 | 9.0 | (14.0) | 12.0 | (14.0) | 14.0 | 13.0 | 120.0 | 92.0 | ||||
14 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
219 | Maggie Ayre | Castle Cove SC | Silver | (DNC[18.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | 9.0 | 11.0 | 10.0 | 9.0 | 12.0 | 141.0 | 105.0 | ||||
15 | RS100 | ![]() NED |
445 | Floris Stapel | WV Braassemermeer | Silver | (DNC[18.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | 13.0 | UFD[18.0] | 15.0 | 15.0 | 7.0 | 158.0 | 122.0 | ||||
16 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
365 | Charlie Camm | Castle Cove SC | Silver | Master | (DNC[18.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | 15.0 | 14.0 | 16.0 | 13.0 | 14.0 | 162.0 | 126.0 | |||
17 | RS100 | ![]() GBR |
174 | Daniel Webber | Wimbleball SC | Silver | Youth | DNF[14.0] | (DNC[18.0]) | (DNC[18.0]) | DNC[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | 16.0 | RET[18.0] | DNC[18.0] | 16.0 | 15.0 | 169.0 | 133.0 |
Scoring codes used
Code | Description |
DNC | Did not come to the starting area |
DNF | Started but did not finish |
RET | Retired |
UFD | U flag disqualification under rule 30.3 |
Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.6
RS300 Class
1 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
528 | Paul Watson | Llanfairfechan SC | Gold | Heavyweight | Y | 4.0 | 2.0 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | (12.0) | (RET[14.0]) | 45.0 | 19.0 | ||
2 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
520 | Charlie South | Stokes Bay SC Emsworth SC |
Gold | Heavyweight | Y | Youth | 1.0 | 1.0 | 7.0 | 4.0 | 1.0 | (8.0) | 2.0 | 2.0 | (9.0) | 2.0 | 37.0 | 20.0 | |
3 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
544 | David Acres | Emsworth SC | Gold | Heavyweight | Y | 2.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | (5.0) | 3.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 2.0 | (5.0) | 31.0 | 21.0 | ||
4 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
556 | Peter Mackin | Stokes Bay SC | Gold | Y | 5.0 | 5.0 | (6.0) | 2.0 | 4.0 | 1.0 | (6.0) | 3.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 | 40.0 | 28.0 | |||
5 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
523 | Harry McVicar | Draycote Water SC | Gold | Y | (6.0) | 4.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | (5.0) | 4.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 39.0 | 28.0 | |||
6 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
411 | Steve Bolland | Bristol Corinthian YC | Gold | Master | Y | 3.0 | 6.0 | 2.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 | (DNC[15.0]) | 4.0 | (UFD[14.0]) | 64.0 | 35.0 | ||
7 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
348 | Chris Hatton | Lymington Town SC Severn SC |
Gold | Lightweight | Y | Youth | 7.0 | 9.0 | 4.0 | 10.0 | (DNC[15.0]) | 7.0 | (11.0) | 7.0 | 1.0 | 4.0 | 75.0 | 49.0 | |
8 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
457 | Sam Davy | Hykeham SC | Silver | (11.0) | 8.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 | 6.0 | (11.0) | 8.0 | 79.0 | 57.0 | ||||
9 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
347 | William Homewood | Lymington Town SC | Silver | Lightweight | Y | Youth | 9.0 | (11.0) | 10.0 | (13.0) | 11.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | 11.0 | 7.0 | 6.0 | 98.0 | 74.0 | |
10 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
351 | Rob Ford | Alton Water SC | Silver | Heavyweight | Y | 10.0 | 10.0 | (13.0) | (11.0) | 9.0 | 9.0 | 8.0 | 9.0 | 10.0 | 11.0 | 100.0 | 76.0 | ||
11 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
519 | Tom Moore | Shropshire SC | Silver | Lightweight | Y | (12.0) | (12.0) | 12.0 | 12.0 | 10.0 | 12.0 | 9.0 | 10.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 | 102.0 | 78.0 | ||
12 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
5 | Richard Le Mare | Castle Cove SC | Gold | Heavyweight | Master | Y | 8.0 | 7.0 | 11.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | (DNC[15.0]) | (DNC[15.0]) | DNC[15.0] | 13.0 | 9.0 | 109.0 | 79.0 | |
13 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
395 | Ben Heppenstall | Whitefriars SC | Silver | Y | (13.0) | (13.0) | 9.0 | 9.0 | 12.0 | 11.0 | 12.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 10.0 | 105.0 | 79.0 | |||
14 | RS300 | ![]() GBR |
422 | Alastair Wood | Shropshire SC | Silver | Lightweight | Master | Y | (DNC[15.0]) | (DNC[15.0]) | DNC[15.0] | DNC[15.0] | DNC[15.0] | 13.0 | 13.0 | 12.0 | DNC[15.0] | DNC[15.0] | 143.0 | 113.0 |
Scoring codes used
Code | Description |
DNC | Did not come to the starting area |
DNF | Started but did not finish |
RET | Retired |
UFD | U flag disqualification under rule 30.3 |
Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.6
RS600 Class
1 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
988 | George Smith | Bough Beech SC Medway YC |
Gold | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | (12.0) | (4.0) | 1.0 | 24.0 | 8.0 | ||||
2 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
1001 | Jamie Mawson | Notts County SC | Gold | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | (UFD[22.0]) | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | (10.0) | 1.0 | 3.0 | 48.0 | 16.0 | ||||
3 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
1000 | Ian Montague | Stone SC | Gold | Master, Grand Master | (6.0) | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | (6.0) | 3.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 35.0 | 23.0 | |||
4 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
951 | Mike Iszatt | King George SC | Gold | Master, Grand Master | (7.0) | 7.0 | 5.0 | (10.0) | 7.0 | 4.0 | 7.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 5.0 | 56.0 | 39.0 | |||
5 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
938 | Simon Hibbert | Notts County SC | Gold | 3.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 8.0 | (DNC[22.0]) | 6.0 | 5.0 | 7.0 | 9.0 | (11.0) | 79.0 | 46.0 | ||||
6 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
800 | Tim Cutsforth | Felpham SC | Silver | 4.0 | (14.0) | 8.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 11.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | (16.0) | 6.0 | 76.0 | 46.0 | ||||
7 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
668 | James Cowen | Weston SC | Silver | Y | (16.0) | 5.0 | 10.0 | 7.0 | 5.0 | (13.0) | 11.0 | 3.0 | 7.0 | 10.0 | 87.0 | 58.0 | |||
8 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
900 | Alex Piggott | Notts County SC | Gold | 5.0 | 8.0 | 12.0 | 5.0 | (DNC[22.0]) | 9.0 | (15.0) | 8.0 | 10.0 | 2.0 | 96.0 | 59.0 | ||||
9 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
913 | Adam Watson | Mt. Batten Centre | Silver | 8.0 | 10.0 | 7.0 | 9.0 | (12.0) | 7.0 | 8.0 | 4.0 | 8.0 | (15.0) | 88.0 | 61.0 | ||||
10 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
907 | Matt Potter | Notts County SC | Silver | 9.0 | 6.0 | (DNF[22.0]) | (14.0) | 8.0 | 8.0 | 10.0 | 14.0 | 5.0 | 9.0 | 105.0 | 69.0 | ||||
11 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
986 | Ian Jubb | Hayling Island SC | Gold | Master | (DNC[22.0]) | (DNC[22.0]) | 6.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 | DNC[22.0] | DNC[22.0] | 116.0 | 72.0 | |||
12 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
654 | Ian Marshall | Oxford SC RAFSA |
Gold | Master, Grand Master | (18.0) | 12.0 | 9.0 | 6.0 | 9.0 | 10.0 | 12.0 | (15.0) | 6.0 | 8.0 | 105.0 | 72.0 | |||
13 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
13 | James Crook | Blackwater SC | Silver | Y | Youth | 11.0 | 11.0 | (15.0) | 12.0 | 10.0 | (14.0) | 13.0 | 11.0 | 12.0 | 12.0 | 121.0 | 92.0 | ||
14 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
826 | David Nunn | Poole YC | Silver | Master, Grand Master | 13.0 | (15.0) | 13.0 | 13.0 | 11.0 | 15.0 | (16.0) | 13.0 | 11.0 | 7.0 | 127.0 | 96.0 | |||
15 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
761 | Jamie Watson | Thornbury SC | Silver | 10.0 | 9.0 | 14.0 | (RET[22.0]) | (DNC[22.0]) | 16.0 | 14.0 | 9.0 | 15.0 | 16.0 | 147.0 | 103.0 | ||||
16 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
670 | Will Russell | Grafham Water SC | Bronze | Youth | 15.0 | 16.0 | 11.0 | 11.0 | 14.0 | (18.0) | (17.0) | 17.0 | 13.0 | 14.0 | 146.0 | 111.0 | |||
17 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
874 | Scott Holland | Crosby SC | Silver | Master, Grand Master | 12.0 | (RET[21.0]) | (19.0) | 19.0 | 15.0 | 12.0 | 9.0 | 19.0 | 14.0 | 13.0 | 153.0 | 113.0 | |||
18 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
892 | Tim Morgan | Paignton SC | Bronze | Master, Grand Master | 17.0 | 13.0 | (18.0) | 16.0 | 13.0 | 17.0 | (18.0) | 16.0 | 17.0 | 17.0 | 162.0 | 126.0 | |||
19 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
808 | Tim Le Couilliard | King George SC | Bronze | Y | (19.0) | 18.0 | 17.0 | 17.0 | 17.0 | 19.0 | (20.0) | 18.0 | 18.0 | 18.0 | 181.0 | 142.0 | |||
20 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
897 | Ken Potts | Gunfleet SC | Bronze | Master, Grand Master | 14.0 | 17.0 | 16.0 | 15.0 | 16.0 | (DNC[22.0]) | (DNC[22.0]) | DNC[22.0] | DNC[22.0] | DNC[22.0] | 188.0 | 144.0 | |||
21 | RS600 | ![]() GBR |
942 | Bradley Field | Warsash SC Benfleet YC |
Bronze | (DNC[22.0]) | (RET[21.0]) | 20.0 | 18.0 | 18.0 | DNF[21.0] | 19.0 | RET[21.0] | RET[20.0] | RET[20.0] | 200.0 | 157.0 |
Scoring codes used
Code | Description |
DNC | Did not come to the starting area |
DNF | Started but did not finish |
RET | Retired |
UFD | U flag disqualification under rule 30.3 |
Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.6